Sunday, August 31, 2008

Plastic Pals

Life in the streets can be fairly tough for a girl.

Especially in the streets of Clinton Hill (home of the Notorious B.I.G. and Dave Chappelle's Block Party).

Luckily she now has a friend, in the form of a soft-legged cat.

And a sweet ride.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sheepshead Chic

This chair was discovered across the street from the Moloch of Manhattan Beach. It glistened, in all its glory, in the summer sun, against the blue trim of Sheepshead Bay as its backdrop.

(Sheepshead Bay is pronounced "sheeps - head - bay". The name comes from a fish that used to be common around here.)

The Moloch of Manhattan Beach is a three-story mansion which encapsulates the epitomy of excess in numerous stylistic manifestations. Peyton Harrison has described the contents of the place as "what the poor of the 1970s thought the rich lived like". Whether this chair was spewed from there, or from one of the surrounding mini-Molochs is unknown, but the spirit here is certainly a whole.