Monday, June 16, 2008

Filter then Freddy

While walking home tonight, as i passed the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, i came accross this little guy:

He had served his time as a pool filter and lay on the sidewalk waiting for the green men from Staten Island to take him to his final resting place.

Then i caught a glimpse of Freddy Kreuger as he was about to do his thing to his next victim.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Blue Ball

Ah, the Blue Ball - the staple of a Brooklyn upbringing. If you grew up in New York, especially if you attŠµnded public school, you will surely remember this ball. It was sold in most deli/grocery stores and was used primarily in games of "handball".

Actually, the sport known as Handball is quite different. It is very similar to Football (Soccer) except for one obvious difference.

The game we New Yorkers grew up with is oficially called US Handball (History of US Handball) and apparently dates back to the early 1900s.

The ball itself seems to be a generic version of the Spaldeen. Spaldeens are pink rubber balls, manufactured by Spalding, a sporting goods company (

Thursday, June 5, 2008

C.I. Cinderella

This slipper was discovered today, amidst the steaming asphalt of Brighton Beach avenue.

Who are you, my Coney Island Cinderella?
My Bucharian princess of Brighton Beach.
Where were you racing to, through the evaporating film of garbage juice?
Did your Lexus get you home before it turned into a pumpkin again?...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Scaffolded Man

For today's post we have not an object, but a person.
Though he could not be taken home and put in a scanner, he was most certainly found in the street.

In mid-April, my friend Peyton and I discovered this man on the corner of 22nd street and Lexington Avenue.

The man was unconscious, and wholly supported by the scaffolding. In his hands, was an unlit match. A cigarette butt, which had probably fallen out of his mouth, was on the floor.